Cron scripts#
Cron scripts configuration#
It is possible to run automated cron scripts as regular user on the Ugent login nodes. Due to the high availability setup users should add their cron scripts on the same login node to avoid any cron job script duplication.
In order to create a new cron script first login to HPC-UGent login node as usual with your vsc user's account (see section Connecting).
Check if any cron script is already set in the current login node with:
crontab -l
At this point you can add/edit (with vi
editor) any cron script
running the command:
crontab -e
Example cron job script#
15 5 * * * ~/ >& ~/job.out
has these lines in this example:
module swap cluster/donphan
export SLURM_CLUSTERS="donphan"
/usr/libexec/jobcli/qsub ~/job_scripts/ >& ~/job.out
In the previous example a cron script was set to be executed every day at 5:15 am. More information about crontab and cron scheduling format at
Please note that you should login into the same login node to edit your previously generated crontab tasks. If that is not the case you can always jump from one login node to another with:
ssh gligar09 # or gligar10