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Interactive and debug cluster#


The purpose of this cluster is to give the user an environment where there should be no waiting in the queue to get access to a limited number of resources. This environment allows a user to immediately start working, and is the ideal place for interactive work such as development, debugging and light production workloads (typically sufficient for training and/or courses).

This environment should be seen as an extension or even replacement of the login nodes, instead of a dedicated compute resource. The interactive cluster is overcommitted, which means that more CPU cores can be requested for jobs than physically exist in the cluster. Obviously, the performance of this cluster heavily depends on the workloads and the actual overcommit usage. Be aware that jobs can slow down or speed up during their execution.

Due to the restrictions and sharing of the CPU resources (see section Restrictions and overcommit factor) jobs on this cluster should normally start more or less immediately. The tradeoff is that performance must not be an issue for the submitted jobs. This means that typical workloads for this cluster should be limited to:

Submitting jobs#

To submit jobs to the HPC-UGent interactive and debug cluster nicknamed donphan, first use:

module swap cluster/donphan

Then use the familiar qsub, qstat, etc. commands (see chapter Running batch jobs).

Restrictions and overcommit factor#

Some limits are in place for this cluster:

  • each user may have at most 5 jobs in the queue (both running and waiting to run);

  • at most 3 jobs per user can be running at the same time;

  • running jobs may allocate no more than 8 CPU cores and no more than 27200 MiB of memory in total, per user;

In addition, the cluster has an overcommit factor of 6. This means that 6 times more cores can be allocated than physically exist. Simultaneously, the default memory per core is 6 times less than what would be available on a non-overcommitted cluster.

Please note that based on the (historical) workload of the interactive and debug cluster, the above restrictions and the overcommitment ratio might change without prior notice.

Shared GPUs#

Each node in the donphan cluster has a relatively small GPU that is shared between all jobs. This means that you don't need to reserve it and thus possibly wait for it. But this also has a downside for performance and security: jobs might be competing for the same GPU resources (cores, memory or encoders) without any preset fairshare and there is no guarantee one job cannot access another job's memory (as opposed to having reserved GPUs in the GPU clusters).

All software should behave the same as on the dedicated GPU clusters (e.g. using CUDA or OpenGL acceleration from a cluster desktop via the webportal).