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Beyond the basics#

Now that you've seen some of the more basic commands, let's take a look at some of the deeper concepts and commands.


To redirect output to files, you can use the redirection operators: >, >>, &>, and <.

First, it's important to make a distinction between two different output channels:

  1. stdout: standard output channel, for regular output

  2. stderr: standard error channel, for errors and warnings

Redirecting stdout#

> writes the (stdout) output of a command to a file and overwrites whatever was in the file before.

$ echo hello > somefile
$ cat somefile
$ echo hello2 > somefile
$ cat somefile

>> appends the (stdout) output of a command to a file; it does not clobber whatever was in the file before:

$ echo hello > somefile
$ cat somefile 
$ echo hello2 >> somefile
$ cat somefile

Reading from stdin#

< reads a file from standard input (piped or typed input). So you would use this to simulate typing into a terminal. < somefile.txt is largely equivalent to cat somefile.txt |.

One common use might be to take the results of a long-running command and store the results in a file, so you don't have to repeat it while you refine your command line. For example, if you have a large directory structure you might save a list of all the files you're interested in and then reading in the file list when you are done:

$ find . -name .txt > files
$ xargs grep banana < files

Redirecting stderr#

To redirect the stderr output (warnings, messages), you can use 2>, just like >

$ ls one.txt nosuchfile.txt 2> errors.txt
$ cat errors.txt
ls: nosuchfile.txt: No such file or directory

Combining stdout and stderr#

To combine both output channels (stdout and stderr) and redirect them to a single file, you can use &>

$ ls one.txt nosuchfile.txt &> ls.out
$ cat ls.out
ls: nosuchfile.txt: No such file or directory

Command piping#

Part of the power of the command line is to string multiple commands together to create useful results. The core of these is the pipe: |. For example, to see the number of files in a directory, we can pipe the (stdout) output of ls to wc (word count, but can also be used to count the number of lines with the -l flag).

$ ls | wc -l

A common pattern is to pipe the output of a command to less so you can examine or search the output:

$ find . | less

Or to look through your command history:

$ history | less

You can put multiple pipes in the same line. For example, which cp commands have we run?

$ history | grep cp | less

Shell expansion#

The shell will expand certain things, including:

  1. * wildcard: for example ls t*txt will list all files starting with 't' and ending in 'txt'

  2. tab completion: hit the <tab> key to make the shell complete your command line; works for completing file names, command names, etc.

  3. $... or ${...}: environment variables will be replaced with their value; example: echo "I am $USER" or echo "I am ${USER}"

  4. square brackets can be used to list a number of options for a particular characters; example: ls *.[oe][0-9]. This will list all files starting with whatever characters (*), then a dot (.), then either an 'o' or an 'e' ([oe]), then a character from '0' to '9' (so any digit) ([0-9]). So this filename will match: anything.o5, but this one won't: anything.o52.

Process information#

ps and pstree#

ps lists processes running. By default, it will only show you the processes running in the local shell. To see all of your processes running on the system, use:

$ ps -fu $USER

To see all the processes:

$ ps -elf

To see all the processes in a forest view, use:

$ ps auxf

The last two will spit out a lot of data, so get in the habit of piping it to less.

pstree is another way to dump a tree/forest view. It looks better than ps auxf but it has much less information so its value is limited.

pgrep will find all the processes where the name matches the pattern and print the process IDs (PID). This is used in piping the processes together as we will see in the next section.


ps isn't very useful unless you can manipulate the processes. We do this using the kill command. Kill will send a message (SIGINT) to the process to ask it to stop.

$ kill 1234
$ kill $(pgrep misbehaving_process)

Usually, this ends the process, giving it the opportunity to flush data to files, etc. However, if the process ignored your signal, you can send it a different message (SIGKILL) which the OS will use to unceremoniously terminate the process:

$ kill -9 1234


top is a tool to see the current status of the system. You've probably used something similar in Task Manager on Windows or Activity Monitor in macOS. top will update every second and has a few interesting commands.

To see only your processes, type u and your username after starting top, (you can also do this with top -u $USER ). The default is to sort the display by %CPU. To change the sort order, use < and > like arrow keys.

There are a lot of configuration options in top, but if you're interested in seeing a nicer view, you can run htop instead. Be aware that it's not installed everywhere, while top is.

To exit top, use q (for 'quit').

For more information, see Brendan Gregg's excellent site dedicated to performance analysis.


ulimit is a utility to get or set user limits on the machine. For example, you may be limited to a certain number of processes. To see all the limits that have been set, use:

$ ulimit -a

Counting: wc#

To count the number of lines, words, and characters (or bytes) in a file, use wc (word count):

$ wc example.txt
      90     468     3189   example.txt

The output indicates that the file named example.txt contains 90 lines, 468 words, and 3189 characters/bytes.

To only count the number of lines, use wc -l:

$ wc -l example.txt
      90    example.txt

Searching file contents: grep#

grep is an important command. It was originally an abbreviation for "globally search a regular expression and print" but it's entered the common computing lexicon and people use 'grep' to mean searching for anything. To use grep, you give a pattern and a list of files.

$ grep banana fruit.txt
$ grep banana fruit_bowl1.txt fruit_bowl2.txt
$ grep banana fruit*txt

grep also lets you search for Regular Expressions, but these are not in scope for this introductory text.


cut is used to pull fields out of files or pipes streams. It's a useful glue when you mix it with grep because grep can find the lines where a string occurs and cut can pull out a particular field. For example, to pull the first column (-f 1, the first field) from (an unquoted) CSV (comma-separated values, so -d ',': delimited by ,) file, you can use the following:

$ cut -f 1 -d ',' mydata.csv


sed is the stream editor. It is used to replace text in a file or piped stream. In this way, it works like grep, but instead of just searching, it can also edit files. This is like "Search and Replace" in a text editor. sed has a lot of features, but almost everyone uses the extremely basic version of string replacement:

$ sed 's/oldtext/newtext/g' myfile.txt

By default, sed will just print the results. If you want to edit the file inplace, use -i, but be very careful that the results will be what you want before you go around destroying your data!


awk is a basic language that builds on sed to do much more advanced stream editing. Going in depth is far out of scope of this tutorial, but there are two examples that are worth knowing.

First, cut is very limited in pulling fields apart based on whitespace. For example, if you have padded fields then cut -f 4 -d ' ' will almost certainly give you a headache as there might be an uncertain number of spaces between each field. awk does better whitespace splitting. So, pulling out the fourth field in a whitespace delimited file is as follows:

$ awk '{print $4}' mydata.dat

You can use -F ':' to change the delimiter (F for field separator).

The next example is used to sum numbers from a field:

$ awk -F ',' '{sum += $1} END {print sum}' mydata.csv

Basic Shell Scripting#

The basic premise of a script is to execute automate the execution of multiple commands. If you find yourself repeating the same commands over and over again, you should consider writing one script to do the same. A script is nothing special, it is just a text file like any other. Any commands you put in there will be executed from the top to bottom.

However, there are some rules you need to abide by.

Here is a very detailed guide should you need more information.


The first line of the script is the so-called shebang (# is sometimes called hash and ! is sometimes called bang). This line tells the shell which command should execute the script. In most cases, this will simply be the shell itself. The line itself looks a bit weird, but you can copy-paste this line as you need not worry about it further. It is however very important this is the very first line of the script! These are all valid shebangs, but you should only use one of them:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


Sometimes you only want certain commands to be executed when a certain condition is met. For example, only move files to a directory if that directory exists. The syntax:

if [ -d directory ] && [ -f file ]
  mv file directory 

Or you only want to do something if a file exists:

if [ -f filename ] 
  echo "it exists" 
Or only if a certain variable is bigger than one:
if [ $AMOUNT -gt 1 ]
  echo "More than one"
  # more commands
Several pitfalls exist with this syntax. You need spaces surrounding the brackets, the then needs to be at the beginning of a line. It is best to just copy this example and modify it.

In the initial example, we used -d to test if a directory existed. There are several more checks.

Another useful example, is to test if a variable contains a value (so it's not empty):

if [ -z $PBS_ARRAYID ]
  echo "Not an array job, quitting."
  exit 1

the -z will check if the length of the variable's value is greater than zero.


Are you copy-pasting commands? Are you doing the same thing with just different options? You most likely can simplify your script by using a loop.

Let's look at a simple example:

for i in 1 2 3
  echo $i


Subcommands are used all the time in shell scripts. What they do is storing the output of a command in a variable. So this can later be used in a conditional or a loop for example.

CURRENTDIR=`pwd`  # using backticks
CURRENTDIR=$(pwd)  # recommended (easier to type)

In the above example you can see the 2 different methods of using a subcommand. pwd will output the current working directory, and its output will be stored in the CURRENTDIR variable. The recommended way to use subcommands is with the $() syntax.


Sometimes some things go wrong and a command or script you ran causes an error. How do you properly deal with these situations?

Firstly a useful thing to know for debugging and testing is that you can run any command like this:

command 2>&1 output.log   # one single output file, both output and errors

If you add 2>&1 output.log at the end of any command, it will combine stdout and stderr, outputting it into a single file named output.log.

If you want regular and error output separated you can use:

command > output.log 2> output.err  # errors in a separate file

this will write regular output to output.log and error output to output.err.

You can then look for the errors with less or search for specific text with grep.

In scripts, you can use:

set -e

This will tell the shell to stop executing any subsequent commands when a single command in the script fails. This is most convenient as most likely this causes the rest of the script to fail as well.

Advanced error checking#

Sometimes you want to control all the error checking yourself, this is also possible. Everytime you run a command, a special variable $? is used to denote successful completion of the command. A value other than zero signifies something went wrong. So an example use case:

exit_code=$?  # capture exit code of last command
if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]
  echo "something went wrong"

.bashrc login script#

If you have certain commands executed every time you log in (which includes every time a job starts), you can add them to your $HOME/.bashrc file. This file is a shell script that gets executed every time you log in.

Examples include:

  • modifying your $PS1 (to tweak your shell prompt)

  • printing information about the current/jobs environment (echoing environment variables, etc.)

  • selecting a specific cluster to run on with module swap cluster/...

Some recommendations:

  • Avoid using module load statements in your $HOME/.bashrc file

  • Don't directly edit your .bashrc file: if there's an error in your .bashrc file, you might not be able to log in again. To prevent that, use another file to test your changes, then copy them over when you tested the script.

Scripting for the cluster#

When writing scripts to be submitted on the cluster there are some tricks you need to keep in mind.

Example job script#

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -N FreeSurfer_per_subject-time-longitudinal
#PBS -l walltime=48:00:00
#PBS -q long
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -j oe
export DATADIR=$VSC_DATA/example
# $PBS_JOBID is unique for each job, so this creates a unique directory
mkdir -p $WORKDIR
# copy files to local storage
cp -a $DATADIR/workfiles $WORKDIR/

# load software we need
module load FreeSurfer
# recon-all ... &> output.log  # this command takes too long, let's show a more practical example
# create results directory if necessary
mkdir -p $DATADIR/results
# copy work files back

PBS pragmas#

The scheduler needs to know about the requirements of the script, for example: how much memory will it use, and how long will it run. These things can be specified inside a script with what we call PBS pragmas.

This pragma (a pragma is a special comment) tells PBS to use 1 node and core:

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1 # single-core

For parallel software, you can request multiple cores (OpenMP) and/or multiple nodes (MPI). Only use this when the software you use is capable of working in parallel. Here is an example:

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16  # single-node, multi-core
#PBS -l nodes=5:ppn=16  # multi-node

We intend to submit it on the long queue:

#PBS -q long

We request a total running time of 48 hours (2 days).

#PBS -l walltime=48:00:00

We specify a desired name of our job:

#PBS -N FreeSurfer_per_subject-time-longitudinal
This specifies mail options:
#PBS -m abe

  1. a means mail is sent when the job is aborted.

  2. b means mail is sent when the job begins.

  3. e means mail is sent when the job ends.

Joins error output with regular output:

#PBS -j oe

All of these options can also be specified on the command-line and will overwrite any pragmas present in the script.


  1. Create a file that contains this message: "Hello, I am <user>", where <user> is replaced by your username. Don't cheat by using an editor, use a command to create the file.

  2. Use another command to add this line to the same file: "I am on system <hostname> in directory <current directory>". Words between <> should be replaced with their value (hint: use environment variables).

  3. How many files and directories are in /tmp?

  4. What's the name of the 5th file/directory in alphabetical order in /tmp?

  5. List all files that start with t in /tmp.

  6. Create a file containing "My home directory <home> is available using $HOME". <home> should be replaced with your home directory, but $HOME should remain as-is.

  7. How many processes are you currently running? How many are you allowed to run? Where are they coming from?