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Program examples#

If you have not done so already copy our examples to your home directory by running the following command:

 cp -r /apps/gent/tutorials/Intro-HPC/examples ~/

~(tilde) refers to your home directory, the directory you arrive by default when you login.

Go to our examples:

cd ~/examples/Program-examples

Here, we just have put together a number of examples for your convenience. We did an effort to put comments inside the source files, so the source code files are (should be) self-explanatory.

  1. 01_Python

  2. 02_C_C++

  3. 03_Matlab

  4. 04_MPI_C

  5. 05a_OMP_C

  6. 05b_OMP_FORTRAN

  7. 06_NWChem

  8. 07_Wien2k

  9. 08_Gaussian

  10. 09_Fortran

  11. 10_PQS

The above 2 OMP directories contain the following examples:

C Files Fortran Files Description
omp_hello.c omp_hello.f Hello world
omp_workshare1.c omp_workshare1.f Loop work-sharing
omp_workshare2.c omp_workshare2.f Sections work-sharing
omp_reduction.c omp_reduction.f Combined parallel loop reduction
omp_orphan.c omp_orphan.f Orphaned parallel loop reduction
omp_mm.c omp_mm.f Matrix multiply
omp_getEnvInfo.c omp_getEnvInfo.f Get and print environment information
omp_bug* omp_bug* Programs with bugs and their solution

Compile by any of the following commands:

Language Commands
C: icc -openmp omp_hello.c -o hello
pgcc -mp omp_hello.c -o hello
gcc -fopenmp omp_hello.c -o hello
Fortran: ifort -openmp omp_hello.f -o hello
pgf90 -mp omp_hello.f -o hello
gfortran -fopenmp omp_hello.f -o hello

Be invited to explore the examples.